Day093 — Things I learn when I do a small one-page website
Here is the list of things I learn / re-learn when I do a small static website. It turns out I forget a lot of things. Revision is much needed.
triangle shape clip mask using CSS:
draw triangle using CSS:
send email right from browser:
debug php in visual studio:
store data as csv in php:
download file using js:
submit form without refreshing the page:
input tag has extra 4px on the side:
box-sizing: border-box
image inside div has extra space below the image:
embed youtube in fixed ratio:
validate email in js:
check if digit only:
check value is null or empty:
can I use:
get form’s data with jQuery:
javascript promise:
show loading in form submit button:
align center
css selector
chinese web font
text align center
CSS unit:
basic web