Day085 — Kotlin Data classJacky Tsang·Follow1 min read·Jun 11, 2019--ListenShareEasy Parcelable in KotlinParcelablein Kotlin Parcelablemedium.comKotlin Android Extensions - Kotlin Programming LanguageThis tutorial describes how to use Kotlin Android Extensions to improve support for Android development.kotlinlang.orgHow to extend a data classKotlin data classes — enough boilerplateHi everyone, we already looked into some differences between Kotlin and Java syntaxes in the previous 2 articles of the…proandroiddev.comExtend data class in KotlinData classes seem to be the replacement to the old-fashioned POJOs in Java. It is quite expectable that these classes…stackoverflow.comMake data class ParcelableParcelable in Kotlin? Here comes ParcelizeHey everyone, welcome to article number 5 in the series where we’re going to look into how to handle Parcelables in…