Day071 — Dependency Injection
Dependency Injection is a concept easy to understand, but really difficult to get the head around with the implementation of Dagger. I am overwhelmed by the number of annotations I needed to use in multiple interface and class. Therefore, after reading many resources online, I created a learning path for other beginners to follow. Below listed with the ones I consider the best. I read below article and video more than three times.
Dependency Injection Made Simple
The first 15 min gives you a very clear introduction of what is dependency injection and why we need it. The remaining part of the video goes to the implementation detail of Dagger 1, which I am not interested in.
Dagger 2 for Android Beginners — Introduction
It is a great tutorial for a beginner. Read it before anything else.
Dagger 2 Tutorial by CodingInFlow
It is a great series. I watched the whole playlist(1.5x — 2x speed).
Dependency Injection with Dagger 2
It is a good tutorial on DI.
The Future of Dependency Injection with Dagger 2 by Jake Wharton
Finally, revision yourself with below video. (I watch it with 1.5x speed)
And of course,
Dagger 2 by Gregory Kick
Some other useful resources:
Intermediate resources: