Day051 — hide the top and left white lines in fullscreen in OpenCV

Jacky Tsang
3 min readOct 10, 2018


I want to display an image in full screen using OpenCV. I am coding with cpp.

Here is the GitHub repos I upload my code about this project:

To start

I found that these lines of code do the trick.

namedWindow("Display window", CV_WINDOW_NORMAL);
cvSetWindowProperty("Display window", CV_WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, CV_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN);
imshow("Display window", image);

However, there are white lines on the top and left of the image.

White lines on the top and left of the image (black background is added afterward just to contrast the white line)

To remove those lines, I have to comment out four lines of code in OpenCV and then recompiled it.

Original code:

/* Calculatess the window coordinates relative to the upper left corner of the mainhWnd window */
static RECT icvCalcWindowRect( CvWindow* window )
const int gutter = 1;
RECT crect, trect, rect;
assert(window); GetClientRect(window->frame, &crect);
GetWindowRect(window->toolbar.toolbar, &trect);
icvScreenToClient(window->frame, &trect);
SubtractRect( &rect, &crect, &trect);
rect = crect; += gutter;
rect.left += gutter;
rect.bottom -= gutter;
rect.right -= gutter;
return rect;

The lines of code to be commented out:

// += gutter;
//rect.left += gutter;
//rect.bottom -= gutter;
//rect.right -= gutter;

Recompile OpenCV in Windows

The compile from source process is actually fairly simple. It just takes some time. I used CMake to do the compile and leave all configuration by default.

Result image:

no white line on the top and left side of the image (black background is added afterward)

After dealing with the white lines, you will be needed to hide the cursor. Also, I want the fullscreen window to appear on my second monitor. I found that both tasks will cost more time than I am willing to give so I give up at this point. I don’t want to spend another afternoon to do a seemingly simple task if a well-written image visualization library is used.

To conclude, I don’t recommend to use OpenCV to display images in full screen. It is just too much hustle to be dealt with.

reference website:



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